The Sacred Srimad Bhagavad Gita – Chapter-1, Part-6

The Commentary on The Sacred Srimad Bhagavad Gita

अथ श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता

अपर्याप्तं तदस्माकं बलं भीष्माभिरक्षितम् ।
पर्याप्तं त्विदमेतेषां बलं भीमाभिरक्षितम् ॥१-१०॥

अयनेषु च सर्वेषु यथाभागमवस्थिताः ।
भीष्ममेवाभिरक्षन्तु भवन्तः सर्व एव हि ॥१-११॥

Sloka 10

balaḿ bhīṣmābhirakṣitam
balaḿ bhīmābhirakṣitam
aparyāptam — immeasurable; tat — that; asmākam — of ours; balam — strength; bhīṣma — by Grandfather Bhīṣma; abhirakṣitam — perfectly protected; paryāptam — limited; tu — but; idam — all this; eteṣām — of the Pāṇḍavas; balam — strength; bhīma — by Bhīma; abhirakṣitam — carefully protected.
Our strength is immeasurable, and we are perfectly protected by Grandfather Bhīṣma, whereas the strength of the Pāṇḍavas, carefully protected by Bhīma, is limited.
Herein an estimation of comparative strength is made by Duryodhana. He thinks that the strength of his armed forces is immeasurable, being specifically protected by the most experienced general, Grandfather Bhīṣma. On the other hand, the forces of the Pāṇḍavas are limited, being protected by a less experienced general, Bhīma, who is like a fig in the presence of Bhīṣma. Duryodhana was always envious of Bhīma because he knew perfectly well that if he should die at all, he would only be killed by Bhīma. But at the same time, he was confident of his victory on account of the presence of Bhīṣma, who was a far superior general. His conclusion that he would come out of the battle victorious was well ascertained.

Sloka 11
bhīṣmam evābhirakṣantu
ayaneṣuin the strategic points; ca — also; sarveṣu — everywhere; yathā-bhāgamas differently arranged; avasthitāḥ — situated; bhīṣmam — unto Grandfather Bhīṣma; eva — certainly; abhirakṣantu — should give support; bhavantaḥ — you; sarve — all respectively; eva hi — certainly.
All of you must now give full support to Grandfather Bhīṣma, as you stand at your respective strategic points of entrance into the phalanx of the army.
Duryodhana, after praising the prowess of Bhīṣma, further considered that others might think that they had been considered less important, so in his usual diplomatic way, he tried to adjust the situation in the above words. He emphasized that Bhīṣmadeva was undoubtedly the greatest hero, but he was an old man, so everyone must especially think of his protection from all sides. He might become engaged in the fight, and the enemy might take advantage of his full engagement on one side. Therefore, it was important that other heroes not leave their strategic positions and allow the enemy to break the phalanx. Duryodhana clearly felt that the victory of the Kurus depended on the presence of Bhīṣmadeva. He was confident of the full support of Bhīṣmadeva and Droṇācārya in the battle because he well knew that they did not even speak a word when Arjuna's wife Draupadī, in her helpless condition, had appealed to them for justice while she was being forced to appear naked in the presence of all the great generals in the assembly. Although he knew that the two generals had some sort of affection for the Pāṇḍavas, he hoped that these generals woulad now completely give it up, as they had done during the gambling performances.



Rudra Vaisnava Sampradaya:

Sridhara Swami's Commentary
Duryodhana is implying that allthough his army is mighty it is insufficient due to the fact that Bhishmadeva being affectionate to the Pandavas as well as the Kauravas is not totally committed to victory for him; but Bhima being completely committed to the defeat of the Kauravas makes the victory of the Pandavas stronger and more likely to be successful.

Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya:

Madhvacarya's Commentary
Madhvacarya has no commentary so we present Baladeva Vidyabhusana's.
Now the question arises that if the armies on both sides were equal in might, how is it possible that victory is assured? Duryodhana gives the answer in this verse by using the word aparyantam in the sense of being unlimited. Duryodhana to conceal his fear exclaims that his army is unlimited and moreover they are protected by Bhishma who is the most intelligent and a maha-ratha; whereas the Pandava army protected by Bhima of less intelligence is limited. This is why the Kaurava victory is assured.

Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya:

There is no commentary for this verse.

Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya:

Kesava Kasmiri's Commentary
So it may also be put forth that if Duryodhana is so convinced of his superiority then why does he need to assure himself. In this verse although he states his army is unlimited by its tone it implies by his reply that the army of his with all the mighty heroes previously mentioned protected by Bhishma seems inadequate, whereas the army of the Pandavas which is protected by Bhima seems adequate to him.

Sloka 11

Rudra Vaisnava Sampradaya:

Sridhara Swami's Commentary
Duryodhana is factually telling Dronacarya that although Bhishmadeva is partial to the Pandavas, the Kaurava victory is dependent on the vigilant protection of Bhishmadeva. So he must be protected from all sides in such a way that he cannot be slain form any direction. The Kaurava army depends solely on the might of Bhishmadeva.

Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya:

Madhvacarya's Commentary
Madhvacarya has no commentary so we present Baladeva Vidyabhusana's.
If Drona becomes indifferent understanding the implications of negligence hidden in these words my purposes will be hampered. Thinking this Duryodhana assured him of his confidence in his ability by the use of the word ayanesu indicating prowess. You all being divisioned at strategic points in your various military formations should not leave your positions for you all must carefully protect Bhishma from both sides and behind as he will be so engaged in the overall battle he may not be aware of his immeadiate surroundings. If he is protected properly then our victory is assured. Duryodhana's intimation was that Bhishma is my grandfather and Drona is my preceptor thus both must be my well-wisher and this was already proven in the royal assembly during the game of dice with the Pandava's when neither Bhishma or Drona responded to the overt indiscretions against Draupadi; even though they both could see the injustice and transgression that she was subjected to by Duryodhan

Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya:


There is no commentary for this verse.

Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya:

Kesava Kasmiri's Commentary
So Duryodhana faced with the feeling of inadequacy reflects what is to be done? In this verse he replies that all of his army situated in their respective strategic points in their various positions must support and protect Bhishma very carefully, who is the commander of the army. It is understood that where the commander is protected the army is protected.

Om Tat Sat

(My humble salutations to the lotus feet of  Bhagawan Sri Krishna Paramathma ji, H H Sri Swami Srila Prabhupada ji, Bhaktivedanta and Sri Bhagavadgita dot com for this devotional collection)

(The Blog  is reverently for all the seekers of truth, lovers of wisdom and   to share the Hindu Dharma with others on the spiritual path and also this is purely  a non-commercial blog)



॥ हरिः ॐ ॥



इमं स्तवं भगवतो विष्णोर्व्यासेन कीर्तितम्।
पठेद्य इच्छेत्पुरुषः श्रेयः प्राप्तुं सुखानि च॥२१॥

विश्वेश्वरमजं देवं जगतः प्रभुमव्ययम्।
भजन्ति ये पुष्कराक्षं न ते यान्ति पराभवम्॥२२॥

न ते यान्ति पराभवम ॐ नम इति।

अर्जुन उवाच ---
पद्मपत्रविशालाक्ष पद्मनाभ सुरोत्तम।
भक्तानामनुरक्तानां त्राता भव जनार्दन॥२३॥

श्रीभगवानुवाच ---
यो मां नामसहस्रेण स्तोतुमिच्छति पाण्डव।
सोऽहमेकेन श्लोकेन स्तुत एव न संशयः॥२४॥
स्तुत एव न संशय ॐ नम इति।

व्यास उवाच ---
वासनाद्वासुदेवस्य वासितं भुवनत्रयम्।
सर्वभूतनिवासोऽसि वासुदेव नमोऽस्तु ते॥२५॥
श्री वासुदेव नमोऽस्तुत ॐ नम इति।


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